If you have income of over $150,000 per year taxes are (unfortunately) one of your single largest expenses. If not your largest expense. For high income earners federal and state taxes often trump mortgage payments, household expenses, medical and retirement savings! Many new clients know this is true before approaching our first but have never really considered there may be ways to legally mitigate the expense. Through thoughtful tax planning Jarus & Co works with client to establish sound financial and tax strategies which can help individuals deal with heavy tax burdens. We see our relationship with clients as a process of enhancing the client’s entire financial position and providing visibility, comfort and understanding.

Traditionally CPA focus on meeting clients once per year, demanding documents, and then simply replying with a return. There is no conversation about effective tax rates, smart tax moves and how to mitigate your tax bite. As a 1040 Tax CPA Newport Beach CA we strive to go beyond simple tax return preparation and work with clients in a consultative way. No client is the same therefore the approach to each client cannot be same. We work with you one on one to understand your unique financial situation so we can offer tax planning advice, accounting and tax return preparation and many other services if requested such as financial planning, asset protection, and risk analysis. If you have been searching for a 1040 tax CPA Newport Beach CA we would enjoy the opportunity to offer you a free consultation to review your past tax returns and explain how we may offer you additional insights into your unique tax situation. All of our initial consultations are free of charge and we will let you know if any deductions have been missed on past returns.

We focus on working with individuals and business owners who’s goal is to accumulate wealth who can benefit from our consultative approach. We consider all factors when preparing your tax return including business ownership, wealth preservation, tax planning and insurance needs. We become part of your team and will work closely with your financial planners, attorneys and insurance brokers to ensure everyone works in unison to minimize your tax liability. So if you have been looking for a Newport Beach CA 1040 tax CPA we would love to meet with you to provide a free review of your past tax returns, investments, other assets and any other items you would like us to review for you.

Critical to minimizing your tax liability is developing a clear understanding of your existing situation so we can determine if any deductions have been missed in the past and whether there are any tax planning strategies we can employ for you. We build strong, lasting relationships with our clients and care deeply about their tax preparation as for many clients taxes are a very large expense. There is no reason to overpay on taxes and our goal is to ensure you do not!