The manufacturing and distribution industries are far from single-faceted. It’s likely that you’re in charge of a staff of people, a variety of machines, and a fleet of trucks. On top of all that, you’re tasked with keeping the books balanced. That can be a lot to handle, especially for growing and new businesses. Here’s where we can help. With Jarus & Co., we take the pressure of maintaining your own books off your shoulders. We know the manufacturing and distribution industries, and we know how to handle all the numbers. Count on us for our accounting services, our bookkeeping services, and our business advisory services.

Accounting Services

Let us take over documenting and maintaining information surrounding the taxable portions of your business. We can work with you to establish a strategy to keep taxation costs low, and tax breaks and profits high. In addition, we can formulate a business valuation to lend integrity to the brand of your business if you’re planning on selling the operation. At the end of the day, it’s our goal to save you money and save you time. We specialize in working with small, growing businesses, and businesses in the manufacturing and distribution fields.

Bookkeeping Services

We automate and update your books to streamline your bookkeeping needs. From profits to losses, and costs to projections to payroll, your business is dependent on accurate books. With Jarus & Co. bookkeeping, you can rest assured that your books are accurate and balanced, so that you can focus on the big picture of your business. Let us take over payroll, billing, and tax accounting; get back to building your business how you’d like.

Business Advisory Services

If you need consultation on the best way to operate your business from a monetary viewpoint, we can review payroll, cost scheduling, opportunities to improve profit margins, building in management incentives for employees, selecting the right healthcare package for your employees, and more. Our customizable business advisory services ensure that your business is optimized, your employees are content, and you are free to seize every opportunity for growth.

If you’re ready to get started, or if you simply want to learn more about our CPA services, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We provide accounting services for a variety of businesses throughout the Orange County area. We work with small businesses, new businesses, and specialize in providing CPA services for businesses in the manufacturing and distribution fields.