As a business management firm we will take care of and manage every aspect of your personal and business needs when it comes to finances. Business management offers clients the highest level of service where Jarus & Co will handle all accounting, tax, banking, insurance, real estate and financial needs. We will pay all bills and keep your financial commitments in order. Jarus & Co becomes your personal and business accounting department.

By relieving you of the mundane tasks of keeping your personal and business finances in order, you will have additional time, peace of mind, and freedom to do what you are good at and enjoy life more. Your spending will decrease and your savings will increase.

Traditionally business management services have been used by those in the entertainment industry who are too busy to handle their own finances and accounting but are also not able to maintain full-time, in-house management personnel. Although we work with individuals and businesses in the entertainment industry we also work with professional athletes, high net worth individuals, and owners of other types of businesses.

Our business management program includes all the following services:

  • Obtain special cash orders and coordinate delivery to wherever you are
  • Manage payroll for your employees through our easy to use web application
  • Disburse payments to independent contractors
  • Prepare 1099s each year
  • Monitor business and personal cash flow
  • Prepare monthly financial statements
  • Prepare monthly  bank reconciliations for all accounts
  • Manage client’s business and personal financing (including mortgages, lines of credit, overdraft protection, business loans)
  • Prepare all loan documents and coordinate loan requirements with lenders
  • Overall insurance assessment and obtain additional coverage if needed (including umbrella, life, auto, business, homeowner’s, etc.)

Please, give us a call if you’re curious about our business management services, or if you’d like to learn more about any of our accounting and consultancy services!